Monday, December 7, 2009

Coheed & Cambria Announces New Album!

If you're as big a Coheed fan as I am you probably already heard this afternoon that Coheed & Cambria has announced the title and release of their fifth studio album. It will be called "The Year of the Black Rainbow" and it will be released in April 2010. For those who are unaware, the first four albums have all been part of an ongoing story based on lead singer Claudio Sanchez's comic series "The Amory Wars." This new album tells the prequel story to their previous albums, focusing on the backstory of the characters Coheed and Cambria. This is awesome news and it's going to be a long wait. Here's part of the announcement:

"Our new album will be titled, “Year of the Black Rainbow,” and is set for release in April 2010 and will be followed by a headline tour of the US, and then on to Europe and the UK for festivals and such...we think it’s definitely our best work to date.
Some song titles are: “Here We are Juggernaut,” “The Broken,” “Pearl of the Stars,” and “Guns of Summer.”"

Check out Coheed's official fansite for more announcements!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Album Pick: The Best of Apocalyptica

If you're a fan of metal and classical music then this is the perfect band for you. Apocalyptica is a cello band, that's right, it's just 4 guys with cellos playing heavy metal music. They do a lot of covers of Metallica as well as some original work. This best of compilation is a good starter for anyone who might want to start listening to the band. With other albums, I've found that I either really like or really dislike a particular song, but every track on the best of is pretty good. You'll notice cover versions of popular Metallica songs such as "Nothing Else Matters," "The Unforgiven," and "Enter Sandman." It's really cool to hear the cello take over for the electric guitar and vocals. You listen to a song like Nothing Else Matters and forget it was written as a heavy metal song. This album is a must for any Metallica fan and a good choice for fans of a classical sound with a strong metal influence. Check it out!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Youtube Talent!

Youtube has a lot of garbage where people post videos of themselves playing either really bad or mediocre covers of their favourite songs, but sometimes you'll find the odd person with a whole lot of talent. The best ones are the people who reinvent the song with their own personal style. Some of these people should be the ones out there making money instead some of today's popular artists in my opinion. Check it out!

Percusive Guitar!

Four Hands Guitar! Wicked.

Pirates of the Caribbean meets Metal!

This is really neat. I wish there was a longer version.

Cello and Violin - Can't go wrong there.

Piano cover of heavy metal song by Tool. Covers like these are a reminder that just because you might not like the sound, doesn't mean it isn't some great creative writing!

That's all for now. If you know some great Youtube covers feel free to share!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Album Pick: Been to the Future

This is a great solo acoustic album by Joey Eppard, lead singer of the prog rock band 3. If you didn't like 3 because you thought it was too heavy or fast-paced, you might want to give it another try with this album. Eppard does a lot of acoustic covers of 3 songs which you might find easier to listen to. His guitar technique is unlike anyone I've seen before. He combines finger picking techniques with slap/flamenco to make for a very unique guitar sound. His voice sounds like he could be a member of the backstreet boys, which isn't a bad thing, but it does give the music a very pop-like sound. It's hard to pin any kind of genre on this music because he experiments with different styles from hip-hop to prog rock to folk. If you don't like the first song you hear, try listening to a couple other tracks and see if you like those. This album is definitely worth listening to for any fan of acoustic solo performances. My favourite track off this album is "Amaze Disgrace." Check it out!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

London Music Club - UWO Students Perform Tonight!

Tonight the London Music Club is hosting UWO Bands and Songwriters Society for their second open mic of the year! BANDSS is a great club at Western for students who want to get involved with music at school. Come to London Music Club tonight between 8:30 and 12:30 and check out the student talent. There are some great musicians at Western and this is the perfect way to see them. You'll get to see everything from solo performances to a full band. If you enjoy the show and think you might want to perform yourself, all you have to do is ask.

"The End" Response

I just watched a 3-part series call “The End,” for my blogging class. Even though this is an assignment, it is has a lot to do with music so you might want to give this a read anyway!

“The End” isn’t about some crazy 2012 apocalyptic theory for the end of the world, but it does ask the question about whether or not we’re facing the apocalypse of print and broadcast radio/tv. All three of these mediums are losing their audience, especially young people, to the internet, where people can access pretty much whatever they want, whether it is a song, movie, tv show or news article. Text, images, audio and video can all be viewed on a computer screen and the internet stores it for us to access whenever we want for free! The video even mentions the Open Content Alliance, which is working with Yahoo and Microsoft to digitize all the world’s books! Imagine having every book imaginable at your fingertips, but is this a good thing?

The issue for mainstream media isn’t how we consume the content we want, it’s about getting us to see the advertisements that pay a lot of money to get our attention. When we download a tv show, we don’t see the ads that paid for that show to go on the air, and so the advertisers lose money and thus the tv station loses money. This could be a bad thing since networks would have less money to spend on making quality content for us, OR we could look at it as a way of putting pressure on the tv networks to make better content that would encourage us to watch more television. Let’s face it, there’s a lot of garbage on television these days, and I think it’s a possible reason for the lack of success we see in television today, rather than the rise of the internet.

What about the music industry? It has been fighting things like file sharing and torrents since it first began with the likes of Napster and other file sharing software. Do you know anyone in university who has an iTunes library with thousands of songs and has paid for all of them? I’d be surprised if you do. Our generation is used to free music, and we get to carry it all in our pockets with an iPod, with thousands of songs at our fingertips. FM radio is losing its audience too because we can access whatever song we want for free, and there are no annoying advertisements either. When we download music are we hurting the artist (who make very little profit off record sales) or the record label? Artists make most of their money from touring live, and the more fans they have (through downloading music perhaps?) could mean a larger audience that want to see them on stage. Some artists like Nine Inch Nails have embraced this idea by releasing their music for free and increasing their ticket sales.

Bottom line, mainstream media conglomerates need to adapt to this new information environment rather than try to fight it. The 2 questions they need to ask are how can they get an audience and how can they profit from it. I don’t think we’ll see the end of print, radio and tv, but they will undoubtedly change. For better or for worse? What do you think?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Album Pick: Brave New World

If you're a metal fan then this should not be an unfamiliar band to you. Though I wouldn't consider myself a huge Iron Maiden fan, their music is a strong influence for some of my favourite bands including Dream Theater and Coheed & Cambria. This particular album was released shortly after lead singer Bruce Dickinson and guitarist Adrian Smith rejoined the band after 5 years. Because the albums that were released after Dickinson left were Iron Maiden's least successful, the reunion was a big deal for fans. Brave New World shows the band is still strong. The thing I find most impressing about the band is their ability to keep writing amazing guitar riffs even after releasing over 10 studio albums. The standout tracks here are "The Ghost of Navigator," "Brave New World," and "Dream of Mirrors." Give them a listen. Even if you're not a metal fan. You might be surprised.