Monday, November 2, 2009

Album Pick: Art in Motion

A lot of the albums I've recommended have been pretty heavy sounding, with a lot of metal influences and quick tempos. If you didn't like any of that stuff and have decided that my musical tastes suck, check this guy out. Andy McKee is an instrumental guitarist and I think he is one of the most talented guys I've ever seen. Every song is layered so that it sounds like there are multiple tracks in each song, but it's really just one man and a guitar the entire time. The track Drifting got him youtube fame with over 24 million views! On some songs he's got a custom guitar with bass strings added which make the instrument look half like a guitar and half like a harp. You'll find this a lot more relaxing than past bands I've featured. If you like it let me know. I'm a huge fan of acoustic instrumentals so I'm also looking for some recommendations. I'd love to hear some.

Here is the album in it's entirety. Check out some tracks. Rylynn and Africa are my personal favourites. I've included a youtube video so you can see what this guy is doing with his hands. Truly amazing to watch and hear. Enjoy!

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