Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What do you look for in music?

Have you ever noticed that one of the easiest ways to annoy someone and put them in a bad mood is to play music that they don't like? Ever been really excited to share your music with a friend only to have them say it's garbage and then obnoxiously change it to something they want to hear? Why are a lot of people so unwilling to be open minded towards music they don't know? Is it because a lot of people think the music they listen to is a reflection of themselves? For example, would it be possible for someone who's into pop music to also listen to a lot of heavy metal? I'm sure it is, but I don't see it very often. Is it because people who like pop can't stand the sound of heavy metal or they don't like the idea of being associated with the crowd that listens to that kind of music?

I think it's more simple. People look to music to make them feel a certain way, and everyone has different expectations in that sense. I personally prefer anything that is melodic, and written well. To me, lyrics are an afterthought, so genres like rap and hip-hop aren't really my flavour. Some people prefer lyrics over melody, and some people want music to calm them down instead of really high energy music. What do you prefer? What is it that makes a song pull you in? What kind of music do you hate? Is it because you think it is crap or because it makes you feel emotions you'd rather not feel? Think about it.

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