This is an off topic blog post for my blogging class at UWO. If you would like to stay on topic while you read this, scroll down and play some songs that I’ve posted to keep the music vibe going.
In class we watched the documentary “Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism.” The film heavily criticizes Fox News and the effect they have on American Society. Being a student in media, I was already aware of certain things we see in the media such as agenda-setting and sensationalism, but I was shocked to see it happen to such a large extent on Fox News. The documentary featured media experts such as Jeff Cohen and Bob McChesney (Free Press), as well as former Fox employees who talked of how they were forced to push a right wing agenda to avoid the risk of losing their jobs.
I find it pretty disappointing that such a large news network would engage in agenda setting and sensationalism, because they are a strong voice in the American public, which means they have a responsibility to be truthful and provide the information that will allow viewers to make up their own minds about what they see. Instead they create the perception that they are biased, when they are clearly pushing a particular opinion on the viewers. The one interview between Bill O’Reilly and Jeremy Glick I found particularly disturbing. O’Reilly immediately treats him as though he is wrong and as if he is crazy because of his particular opinion. He accused him of dishonoring his dead father and kicked him out of the interview before giving him a chance to respond. This kind of thing should not be allowed in a “debate” between two people.
Private broadcasting is a big problem, because it only aims for profit. When profit becomes the measure of success, stories and truth become sensationalized and molded in order to bring in more viewers. I think the public voice should be held accountable by law if they intentionally withhold information to support their own arguments. The public has a right to information so they can make their own decisions. News media has a responsibility to the public, not to their shareholders.
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