Monday, December 7, 2009
Coheed & Cambria Announces New Album!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Album Pick: The Best of Apocalyptica
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Youtube Talent!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Album Pick: Been to the Future
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
London Music Club - UWO Students Perform Tonight!
"The End" Response
“The End” isn’t about some crazy 2012 apocalyptic theory for the end of the world, but it does ask the question about whether or not we’re facing the apocalypse of print and broadcast radio/tv. All three of these mediums are losing their audience, especially young people, to the internet, where people can access pretty much whatever they want, whether it is a song, movie, tv show or news article. Text, images, audio and video can all be viewed on a computer screen and the internet stores it for us to access whenever we want for free! The video even mentions the Open Content Alliance, which is working with Yahoo and Microsoft to digitize all the world’s books! Imagine having every book imaginable at your fingertips, but is this a good thing?
The issue for mainstream media isn’t how we consume the content we want, it’s about getting us to see the advertisements that pay a lot of money to get our attention. When we download a tv show, we don’t see the ads that paid for that show to go on the air, and so the advertisers lose money and thus the tv station loses money. This could be a bad thing since networks would have less money to spend on making quality content for us, OR we could look at it as a way of putting pressure on the tv networks to make better content that would encourage us to watch more television. Let’s face it, there’s a lot of garbage on television these days, and I think it’s a possible reason for the lack of success we see in television today, rather than the rise of the internet.
What about the music industry? It has been fighting things like file sharing and torrents since it first began with the likes of Napster and other file sharing software. Do you know anyone in university who has an iTunes library with thousands of songs and has paid for all of them? I’d be surprised if you do. Our generation is used to free music, and we get to carry it all in our pockets with an iPod, with thousands of songs at our fingertips. FM radio is losing its audience too because we can access whatever song we want for free, and there are no annoying advertisements either. When we download music are we hurting the artist (who make very little profit off record sales) or the record label? Artists make most of their money from touring live, and the more fans they have (through downloading music perhaps?) could mean a larger audience that want to see them on stage. Some artists like Nine Inch Nails have embraced this idea by releasing their music for free and increasing their ticket sales.
Bottom line, mainstream media conglomerates need to adapt to this new information environment rather than try to fight it. The 2 questions they need to ask are how can they get an audience and how can they profit from it. I don’t think we’ll see the end of print, radio and tv, but they will undoubtedly change. For better or for worse? What do you think?
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Album Pick: Brave New World
Monday, November 23, 2009
Metropolis Pt. 1 Live!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Album Pick: In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth:3
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Stone Temple Pilots - in London Thursday!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Album Pick: Images and Words
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Wednesday Nights at Spoke! Rick McGhee!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Upcoming London Shows! (LIST)
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Album Pick: Neil Young - Live at Massey Hall 1971
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
What do you look for in music?
Monday, November 2, 2009
Album Pick: Art in Motion
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Halloween! - A Nightmare to Remember
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Album Pick: Blackfield II
Monday, October 26, 2009
Guns N' Roses Coming to London!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Covers by KevinMac - Willow Tree
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Open Mic in London
Monday, October 19, 2009
Album Pick: Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness
Sunday, October 18, 2009
The Dodos Concert Review
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Off-Topic: OUTFOXED Response
This is an off topic blog post for my blogging class at UWO. If you would like to stay on topic while you read this, scroll down and play some songs that I’ve posted to keep the music vibe going.
In class we watched the documentary “Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism.” The film heavily criticizes Fox News and the effect they have on American Society. Being a student in media, I was already aware of certain things we see in the media such as agenda-setting and sensationalism, but I was shocked to see it happen to such a large extent on Fox News. The documentary featured media experts such as Jeff Cohen and Bob McChesney (Free Press), as well as former Fox employees who talked of how they were forced to push a right wing agenda to avoid the risk of losing their jobs.
I find it pretty disappointing that such a large news network would engage in agenda setting and sensationalism, because they are a strong voice in the American public, which means they have a responsibility to be truthful and provide the information that will allow viewers to make up their own minds about what they see. Instead they create the perception that they are biased, when they are clearly pushing a particular opinion on the viewers. The one interview between Bill O’Reilly and Jeremy Glick I found particularly disturbing. O’Reilly immediately treats him as though he is wrong and as if he is crazy because of his particular opinion. He accused him of dishonoring his dead father and kicked him out of the interview before giving him a chance to respond. This kind of thing should not be allowed in a “debate” between two people.
Private broadcasting is a big problem, because it only aims for profit. When profit becomes the measure of success, stories and truth become sensationalized and molded in order to bring in more viewers. I think the public voice should be held accountable by law if they intentionally withhold information to support their own arguments. The public has a right to information so they can make their own decisions. News media has a responsibility to the public, not to their shareholders.
Thinking About Learning Guitar?
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Album Pick: Time to Die
The past few bands I've talk about have all been of the progressive rock genre, but if you're in Toronto this weekend, on October 17th, you'll have a chance to see some psychedelic folk rock music at Lee's Palace. They will be hosting The Dodos at 9 o'clock. Tickets are still on sale!
If you've never heard of The Dodos, now is a great time to give their music a listen. This 3 member band consists of Meric Long and Logan Kroeber, along with their newest member Keaton Snyder, who joined them before releasing their third full length album entitled “Time to Die” just a couple weeks ago.
I like the Dodos for the way they use their instruments. It feels like you are listening to a pop/folk song, but if you pay attention to the instrumentals there is something interesting going on there. Logan Kroeber plays drums without a bass drum, frequently uses the rim of the drums more than the drums themselves, and tapes a tambourine to his shoe. The percussion definitely stands out and to me is what makes this band unique. I find the guitar playing pretty standard for folk music, but it’s written in such a way that it blends perfectly with the drumming. Snyder has joined the band to play on the vibraphone, which is similar to a xylophone but uses aluminum bars rather than wooden ones. The vocals are just right for this genre and are undoubtedly the centre piece of their music.
Give these guys a listen. They play this style well, and I think there’s something that caters to everyone’s taste. Here’s some of their songs. If you like it, buy a ticket for their concert in Toronto!
These two tracks are off their previous album "Beware of the Maniacs"